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Believing that photographs speak more convincingly than words, the Thirty-first Biennial Report of the Prison Division of the Department of Agriculture (for the years 1949 and 1950) provides the following photos and narratives:

1949-1950 REPORT

Ariel view of farm land and sprawl of buidlings.
An Air View of Glades State Prison Farm in Belle Glade, Florida

An air view of our plant at Belle Glade, known as Glades State Prison Farm. On this Farm we have 1,100 acres under cultivation. Our principal crops are vegetables, which are canned for distribution to the various State Institutions; sugar cane, for the making of syrup and sugar, for consumption by the prisoners. Approximately 200 prisoners have been assigned to maintain Glades State Prison Farm.

Large open kitchen with 8 cheifs at work.
The Culinary Department of Apalachee Correctional
Institution, Chattahoochee, Florida

The Culinary Department of Apalachee Correctional Institution at Chattahoochee. This Institution was designed for offering training opportunities in character building fields for youthful offenders who appear to be amenable to a program of rehabilitation, after an intensive study by the Classification Board at Raiford. The erection of the first unit of buildings, consisting of a dormitory, power plant, two staff residences, dining hall, kitchen and warehouse are now completed and proposed that remainder of the buildings be done by inmates as part of the vocational training program. It is hoped that every inmate when leaving Apalachee will be far better equipped physically, mentally and morally than when he entered, thereby being able sooner and more effectively to establish himself as a useful member of society.

One story, u-shaped building.
SRD Camp No. 14, Big Pine Key

SRD Camp No. 14, located near Big Pine Key, is between Homestead and Key West. Now that the heavy construction of highways is being let to contractors, prisoners are being assigned more or less to maintenance of roads. In order to carry this program out effectively, modern camps are being constructed in such locations where a number of miles of road can be maintained with least traveling and other transfer expense. The population of the road camps is approximately 50 able-bodied inmates to a camp. It has proven beyond a doubt that the assignment of prisoners to road camps is one of our best means of rehabilitation, as inmates have advantage of out-door work in the fresh air and plenty sunshine.

Approx. 12 men sitting around a large conference table.
Classification Committee at State Prison, Raiford

Classification Committee at State Prison was organized January 1, 1949. This Committee assembles data of all types on each prisoner and after extensive interviews, determines work assignment. Prisoners are re-interviewed from time to time and progress noted. Recommendations to the Parole Commission and the Board of Pardons, as well as recommendations for discipline, are parts of the important work. Among other duties, the Committee determines the Institution to which the prisoner should be sent for confinement and rehabilitation.

Very large room filled with large machinery.  Five inmates are at work.
Interior of Prison Tag Plant at State Prison, Raiford

Sixty-five inmates were employed three months of last year making the thousands of automobile tags which Florida motorists must have. There were 1,025,000 tags manufactured here for 1951.

Approx. 20 inmates sitting at tables with books in large room.
First Section High School in the State Prison

General plan of the Prison School is to give to as many inmates as will take advantage of the opportunity to improve their native skills and to develop additional skills. Our aim is to afford every inmate in prison a chance to equip himself with a basic training that will be of value to him when released from prison.

One story building with many windows.
One Section of the Tuberculosis Ward at State Prison

When completed, the Tuberculosis Ward will provide a facility that has been needed at Raiford for a long time. This Ward is being built from plans and location approved by the State Board of Health. It is located sufficiently near the main Hospital to be convenient for hospital doctors and nurses; but proper distance to meet the safety requirements of the State Board of Health. The Ward is constructed of Prison manufactured concrete blocks with concrete foundation and covered with asbestos shingles, and when completed will consist of four wings which will accommodate approximately 100 patients, plus visiting rooms, dining rooms, confinement cells and two private rooms for isolation cases.

12 inmates in baseball uniforms.
State Prison Baseball Club

LET'S PLAY BALL! Photograph of Raiford Baseball Club for ensuing year. In addition, Raiford has basketball, football, and softball teams, as well as facilities for such games as horseshoes. For the first time in history, we now have a full-time man as Athletic Director. We believe preparation of wholesome recreation during leisure time is valuable in boosting the morale of the inmates as well as beneficial in the development of character, better health and sounder minds.

Group of approx. 15 inmates in coordinated uniforms holding band instruments.
State Prison Band

Raiford's full-time band is made up entirely of inmates. This band would take honors anywhere! Many of the members of the band are musicians who have played with big-name bands. The band performs in the park three times daily; provides music for shows, religious services, recreational functions and a daily evening concert.



Big Pine Key, Copeland and Loxahatchee Road Prisons are established. The Gainesville Work Camp is established.

Completed, brick prison chapel.

State Prison Chapel at Raiford is completed. It is of modern design and construction and can be used for religious services by all faiths.

Man in light suit standing inside chapel at podium.

Commissioner Mayo performs the dedication for the new Prison Chapel.

Approx. 60 inmates seated in pews, 15 seated in choir all facing man at podium.

L.A. Shepherd preaching to prison inmate congregation in the new Prison Chapel.

Inmates using sewing machines

Inmates are provided with opportunities to learn skills.

Entrance to tag plant.

Entrance to tag plant.

Aerial view of fenced prison.  Chapel, sidewalks and dorms are shown.

State Prison Farm #2 is officially renamed Glades State Prison Farm. (Later, in 1961, it will be renamed Glades Correctional Institution.)

Aerial view of large, 3 story block buidling with uniform, small windows.

Florida State Prison at Raiford in the 1950s.

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